PCS Banana Plug Test Clip

The PCS-MB Parrot Clip model is a Banana Plug Test Clip of a medium size, with a length of 70 mm, including the metal tip and the button. Its weight is 7 g, Due to the banana connection the PCS-MB Parrot Clip can be connected to different cable leads. This is convenient when you want to use different clips like alligator clips or parrot clips or just the banana plug at the leads. The PCS-MB provides also reliable hands-free connections for different component sizes from SMD with the W1 tip up to the W4 tip.
Even that is not very long and the PCS-MB model is not heavy, you have to consider that the weight of the banana plug ( about 8 g) which is added, will force on the clip. So you have to consider advantages of easy connecting by a banana plug of the PCS-MB in comparison to the advantages of the connection by soldering.