Hook Test Clip – PCM

The PCM Parrot hook Test Clip model is a small size hook test clip with a length of 70 mm, including the metal tip and the button.
Due to this smaller size it is aimed to be used for many applications as oscilloscope ground, spectrum analyzers, data lodgers multimeter test leads and probes.
Also many OEM applications are possible with the PCM Parrot hook test clips model according to your need. Please email your demanded configuration to radu@parrot.take-hosting.com

The W1 tip size of 1mm can be used to grip small devices and components, even SMD.
- The PCM hook test clip can be hand held giving comfort to the operator, a good operator –signal insulation of 600V , Cat II, according to IEC 1010-231, having in account the size.
- The PCX Parrot Clip model is effective for direct point, hands-on measurements.
- The PCM Parrot Clip points with the metal tip in places crowded with electronic components.
- The PCM provides also reliable hands-free connections for different component sizes from SMD with the W1 tip up to the W3 tip.
- Even that is rather long the PCX hook test clip model is not heavy, and therefore the weight of the probe is not affecting and forcing the connection.

Even that is a small sized hook test clip, the PCM model is rated at
– High insulation 600V IEC 61010 CAT III
– High current (5A – 10 A) – due to the metal tip connected to the cable and the hook is also metal.
– Reliable mechanical connection – connection is made between the metal tip and the metal hook
– Reliable connection at high temperature – up to 90°C for the normal clips –up to 160°C for the High temperature clips
– The PCM hook test clips can be used also as pincers to place or to remove components

U.S.A. Patent 5,457,392 Gold Medal – Eureka World Fair of Invention Brussels.
More details on YouTube video : Parrot Invent Test Leads with test clip Invention https://youtu.be/1xcyb3O6OUU