Multimeter Test Probes
Testoarele cu agatare tip clema Papagal, inventie romaneasca patentata si medaliata cu Aur la Brusseles de Parrot Invent SRL si inventatorul Radu Filipescu sunt utilizate pentru masurari electrice si inlocuesc clema Crocodil in cele mai multe aplicatii. Testoarele Papagal sint utilizate la masurari electrice si anume pentru testarea, masurarea, conectarea cu agatare sau punctarea la punctul de masura a aparatelor de masura, multimetre sau alte aparate sau connexiuni detasabile.
Dispozitive echivalente existente sunt:
Clipul crocodil, testoare simple, testoare cu cirlig, testoare masa pentru osciloscop.
Avantajele testoarelor Papagal sunt in aspectele cele mai importante :
– realizarea si mentinerea contactului atit manual cit si prin agatare.
– trecere simpla de la un mod de realizare a contactului la celalalt.
– contact electric foarte bun intre clip si punctul de conectare in ambele moduri de utilizare (exista o singura sudura intre cablul de legatura si virful clipului)
– izolare electrica foarte buna intre operator si semnalul electric (protectie a operatorului fata de semnale electrice periculoase si perturbatii reduse asupra semnalului electric de catre operator)

Modelele si configuratiile de testoare Papagal sunt:
Tip Corp: PCX, PCM, PCS-MB
Tip Virf (latime): w1 (1mm), w2 (2mm), w3 (3mm), w4 (4mm)
Tip conectare la cablu aparat masura: 1) cositorire 2) mufa banana 4mm
1) Testor separat pentru conectare la cabluri
2) Set multimetru – 2 buc (testor + cablu superflexibil + mufa banana)
3) Masa osciloscop – 1buc (testor PCM + 20cm cablu superflexibil + furca pentru fixare masa osciloscop)

- The PCX Parrot Clip is suitable for multimeter probes due to the:
- High voltage insulation (1000 V Cat III according to IEC-1010-231)
- Commodity to handle
- Reliable, low resistance, direct point, and hands-on measurements. The metal tip is directly soldered to the lead so the contact resistance is less than 5 mohm.
- The grip type, hands-of measurements can be done on various places and devices. The resistance of the grip type, hands-of measurements is also very low (3-5 mohms) and doesn’t differ from the direct point, hands-on measurements.
- The connection, made between two metal parts: the metal tip and steel hooked rod, is electrical reliable, is mechanical reliable and also resistant at high temperatures (90° C, or special models 150° C)
- Due to his construction solution the Parrot Clips are easy to assemble, disassemble and solder to the lead.

Multimeter Probes with the PCM or the PCS-MB Parrot Clip cover other users demands like smaller body, smaller tip connection to smaller devices with the W1 tip. Different tip sizes cover most of the needs to connect on devices from SMD components to large devices.
Visit the The Parrot™ Clips Models page for more details about tip sizes, body design and electrical parameters.
Parrot™ Probes are the best solution for accurate, reliable contact and connections for Fluke, Keithley, Agilent, Tektronix and other high quality equipments. Parrot Clips are also a very good ad to Pomona , Mueler or other test leads
- One hook clip, two hooks clip provides poor quality direct point contact and poor connection at high temperatures.
- Alligator clips provide low insulation and poor accessibility to narrow places
Parrot PCM mini Tester Multimetru45,00 lei
Parrot PCX Tester Multimetru49,00 lei