Make your own Test leads Evaluation
Make your own Test Leads evaluation and compare the exiting test clips on the 6 important criteria, 3 Hands-on criteria and 3 Hands-off criteria
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Test Leads evaluation for the existing test clips on the 6 important criteria, 3 Hands-on criteria and 3 Hands-off criteria.
Questions to be answered
1) Direct point measurement comfort and accessibility
a) Is comfortable to you keep the test probe in your hand?
b) Is possible to point the test probe to a measuring point?
2) Direct point contact resistance
a) How sharp is the tip of the test clip or test probe ?
b) How is Is the test clip connected to the leads : x) solder, y) through the walls of the clip (as at the 2 hooks clip) z) trough the banana plug
3) Signal operator insulation
a) What voltage can be tested if you keep the test probe or clip in your hand ( HANDS – ON ) . Actual standard : IEC 61010
b) What is the between your fingers and the tip of the probe. ( the 2 hook clip keeps your finger far from te test point so is difficult to probe )
4) Connection reliability : Mechanical and at high temperature.
a) is the connection made between 1 metal part and one plastic part ( as at the one hook clip ) , or between 2 metal parts ?
5) Connection resistance
a) is the connection made between 1 metal part and one plastic part ( as at the one hook clip ) , or between 2 metal parts ?
b) How is Is the test clip connected to the leads : x) solder, y) through the walls of the clip (as at the 2 hooks clip) z) trough the banana plug
6) Connection comfort and accessibility in narrow places
a) How sharp is the tip of the test clip or test probe ?
b) how easy is to perform the connection