Inventions Novelty
Tester cu varf si carlig
Masurari precise si sigure ? Testerul Parrot Invent cu varf de Papagal are multe avantaje datorita varfului de metal cu agatare cu un carlig de metal care culiseaza in interiorul si in afara virfului. Varful de metal face contact direct atat la agatare cat si la punctare. Carligul iese cand se apasa pe butom si revine pentru agatare fiint presat de un arc metalic. Varful de metal este direct conectat la cablul de masura .
The Metal Tip makes the Parrot Clip the only hook test clip with metal Tip & Hook and provides:
1) sharp, low resistance direct contact for Hands-ON measurements and
2) reliable, low resistance, double metal connection with the spring loaded steel hook, for Hands-FREE measurements.

Parrot Hook Test Clip Invention provides 8 major advantages toward the other test probes, test leads and hook test clips: alligator clip, one hook clip, two hooks clip, etc.
- Very good accessibility in narrow places – 1mm, 2mm , 3mm, 4 mm , tip sizes
- Low resistance for direct point contact measurements (3mohm – 5mohm) – the measuring tip is soldered directly to the cable
- Low resistance for connection measurements (3mohm – 5 mohm)- the measuring tip is soldered directly to the cable and makes connection together with the metal hook.
- High insulation (300V – 1000 V) IEC 61010 CAT III
- High current (5A – 25 A) – metal tip connected to the cable and the hook is also metal.
- Reliable mechanical connection – connection is made between the metal tip and the metal hook
- Reliable connection at high temperature – up to 90°C for the normal clips –up to 160°C for the High temperature clips
- The Parrot Invent hook test clips can be used as pincers to place or to remove components
U.S.A. Patent 5,457,392 Gold Medal – Eureka World Fair of Invention Brussels :
More details on YouTube video : Parrot Invent Test Leads with test clip Invention