About Us
PARROT INVENT develops and markets specialized measurement test probes, clips for multimeters, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, DMM, ohmmeters, spectrum analyzers, etc. Test probes, test leads, SMD test leads based on the Parrot Clip Invention provide unprecedented HQ, reliable contact and connections for electrical measurement equipment.
The invention and development of the Parrot Clip filled a demand of adequate test leads and probes. Electronic measurement equipment have been tremendous developed in the last 20 years. Former test leads, clips (alligator clip, one hook clip, two hooks clip etc), can’t be developed to meet new quality and reliability requested by users of the new multimeters, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, DMM, ohmmeters, spectrum analyzers. The Parrot™ probe is providing now the solution for accurate, reliable contact and connections.
PARROT INVENT develops and markets also the following patented products, based on its R&D:
CUTCUT ® Dispensers and Shelves & Brackets for home kitchen and restaurants
- TIMERS and PROGRAMABLE TIMERS for the 220 V networks of building lighting.
- MULTI -TEST Flash Lights – based on Parrot Patens the device combines the function of a simple MULTI-TEST device (mains voltage indicator, continuity indicator, car voltage indicator for 12V or 24 V) with the function of a Flash Light.
- UNIVERSAL Plastic cover of Junction boxes.
- SPARK TEST device.
PARROT INVENT is also involved in the electrical service and installation. We are much devoted to our customers and we try to continually improve our products and service, as we have done since 1992, when our company was established.

Companies president, CEO and inventor of the Parrot Clip and of other devices (including printing anti-Communist leaflets against Ceausescu’s dictatorship – invention awarded with 10 years political prison conviction) is Radu Filipescu, electronic engineer, graduated the Electronics faculty in 1979.
Radu Filipescu (Wikipedia) was dissident and Political Prisoner during the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu:
– May 1983- : Arrested and awarded 10 years imprisonment for making the first invention – Leaflets against the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu:
– December 1984: Nominated for “Prisoner of the Month” by Amnesty International in a campaign to release political prisoners from Eastern European countries.
– 18 April 1986: Released thanks to the efforts of non-governmental organizations “Amnesty International” , “Ligue pour Droit de l’Homme” , ” Le Pave ” – high school students from Geneva, the radio stations “Free Europe” , “Voice of America” ,, after almost three years of detention in prisons in Rahova, Jilava and Aiud.
– 12 December 1987: Arrested for attempting to organise a referendum on the leadership of Ceausescu. Violently interrogated by the State Security Service for Criminal Investigations. Released on 22 December 1987 due to protests from international human rights organizations.
– Arrested a third time on 22 December 1989 and released later the same day.
Civic and Political Activities:
– Founding member of the Group for Social Dialogue (GDS)
– Founding member of APADOR – CH
– Recipient of the FREEDOM Prize from the Poul Lauritzen Foundation (Denmark)
– Got a “high 5” from President Clinton during his visit to Romania in July 1997.
– Chairman of GDS (1998-2012)
– President of the Association of Revolutionaries Without Privileges (ARFP)